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Dora McCarty 

Psychic and Spiritual Medium

My spiritual journey begins in 2002 at 2:00 A.M. I woke up to see three people (spirits) standing around my bed. One was in a chair with his legs folded, wearing a hat, it was my Grandpa Jerry. There were two others standing next to the bed. They were well defined figures; I could see the outlines of what they were wearing.

My next spiritual encounter would take place in 2004. We were staying at our favorite cabin in Canada. As I was taking our bags into our room, I saw a heavy set man wearing a fishing cap. It turned out to be one of the previous owners of the cabin who had passed away. That night, asleep in my cabin I was visited by a female and a young male who was native Canadian. They led me to the top of a mountain and told me they appreciated my love for the land, as they did. They spoke to me in my mind, like telepathy. That was the start of my spiritual journey.


When my mother was in the hospital, we sat in the room with her. I was tired, and leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I saw my mother pacing quickly in the front room of her home. At this point, I knew I needed to seek out others in the field to help me navigate these experiences and figure out why this was happening. Take a look at the sound videos I have posted in the videos section of this site.


Eventually, I came across a wonderful woman named Tracy. She was able to channel for me and help me figure out my situation. I got so much information from her! She was a wonderful person. I had never done a reading before and she asked me to do one for her. I was panicking. I thought to myself, “I don’t know how to do a reading! What do I do?” So I thought about it for a while and recalled how my Grandmother wrote notes on calendars, which is where I must have gotten it from. So, I decided to grab a pad of paper and a pen. I got three candles out and placed them on the table. I proceeded to do a grounding and protection meditation, and then moved forward with the reading. When I was done, I was amazed! Even to this day I think of Tracy and still talk to her. From the day I did that first reading I have been channeling and doing readings for people all over Michigan, Florida and even Washington.

I have been fortunate enough to have been visited by one of God’s angels. I had a person who passed come through dimensions to give me a hug. My Grandparents had spiritual gifts as well. This gift has also been passed down to one of my daughters. I can tell when people are not truthful or when someone is going to come to my house. I can’t always get this information, but when it comes it is very helpful.


I have channeled missing persons, for example a man that was missing from Marlette. He was found in Port Huron. I had told this information to my daughter prior to him being discovered. I was also able to channel Danielle Stislicki when she first went missing. I saw a man wearing a uniform. I was also able to see that he had a piece of jewelry that belonged to her. I have been trying to channel more to find her location. I called Sterling Heights Police to report the information I had gathered. I feel that this information was shrugged off, but I am still working on this.


I am proud to have an accuracy rate of 93.4% based on all the readings I have done. My personal spirit guide is a Native American Chief.

All sessions can be done face to face or via phone.

Please contact me for any personal inquiries

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